Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Netshops taken off Wikipedia

I wonder if it was someone's job on the SEO team to monitor the Netshops Wikipedia page. If so why they didn't see that it was nominated for deletion and has, in fact, been deleted?

Netshops no longer on Wikipedia

Just a tip for whomever it was that was supposed to maintain the page. If you have a meeting scheduled with Doug in the next couple of days and he says "I think we need to go in a different direction" just get a box.

Also, I've heard that the warehouse was not sold, but almost the entire warehouse staff has been many employees were out there? 15? 20? (I'm sure some of those were temps or part timers so they won't be counted against the federal layoff numbers, but they're still out of a job, one way or the other so they count just as much as a full timer in my opinion.) That would take the total number of Netshops employees laid off to over 100 this year alone.

Those of you still there - do you still believe in Doug's long term, 'scaleable' plans? Seems to me 'scaleable' really means 'layoff employees and reduce the scale of the workforce'. Maybe that's just me though...

As always, keep your resumes updated and keep the rumors coming!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

6 month anniversary, laid off by netshops

So its been 6 months. I know I've moved on to bigger and better things. More opportunity with [shock!]actual potential to move up in a company[/shock!]! Hope everyone else in the Netshops Layoff Class of '07 is moving on in a similar fashion. (Maybe that'll be the theme for Doug's next sync meeting...)

A special message for Doug, Tina, and all the other management who participated in the layoffs - both here in Omaha and those that took place in Duluth: