Netshops no longer on Wikipedia
Just a tip for whomever it was that was supposed to maintain the page. If you have a meeting scheduled with Doug in the next couple of days and he says "I think we need to go in a different direction" just get a box.
Also, I've heard that the warehouse was not sold, but almost the entire warehouse staff has been many employees were out there? 15? 20? (I'm sure some of those were temps or part timers so they won't be counted against the federal layoff numbers, but they're still out of a job, one way or the other so they count just as much as a full timer in my opinion.) That would take the total number of Netshops employees laid off to over 100 this year alone.
Those of you still there - do you still believe in Doug's long term, 'scaleable' plans? Seems to me 'scaleable' really means 'layoff employees and reduce the scale of the workforce'. Maybe that's just me though...
As always, keep your resumes updated and keep the rumors coming!
So...I have followed this blog since back in Feb when it was started. I, was one of the few, that was not laid off by Netshops. (Can't really say that I am glad) Since Feb. it has been MISERABLE. This company is full of lies, betrayal, demotions....just plain horrible for those of us that are still here (trust me, if I could, I would leave here in a heartbeat).
All the changes that have recently take place...again...with the warehouse being taken over by OHL (and those who were in the warehouse originally, let go) to Tina getting demoted (thank was about time) to getting a new director of the so called "CARE CENTER" (poor Todd Santoro, little guy never had a chance here) to Mr. Carter Cast...and whatever his job is here...again are all changes that are supposed to make Netshops better (but in all reality, is just making Mr. Nielsen, Mrs. Maloch, and whoever else now owns the company, more money).
I have lost all respect for any of the upper management (not to say there was much to begin with).
In regards to "Doug's long term, 'scaleable' plans"- its BS. He is basically doing to us, what we in customer service do to our customers (here at Netshops), which is LIE, LIE, LIE and hope they don't call back.
Also, it was about time upper management was called out on hiring the new *temps* and new *rep* out at a higher pay then what the rest of us have been making for the last year. Although, nothing was actually done about it, other than some reps walking out (or being fired).
Well that's about all I have to contribute to at this time...I'm sure I will think of more. I will put out, how sorry and unfortunate it was that you all got let go. (Honestly you are so much better off not being with a BS company that treats their emplyees w/out respect.) I wish you all the best. :)
Thanks for the comment.
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