Someone emailed me about a discussion they had with a representative from the Nebraska Workforce Development office. I'm going to post the email because it goes into detail about the situation. (All names have been removed to protect the innocent.)
Apparently, severance pay for a number of Netshops employees was not reported accurately (whether by the individuals or by Netshops is unclear). This has resulted in some former Netshops employees being overpaid unemployment benefits. The adjudicator said that Netshops has been a nightmare to work with during this. The end result of this is that there are people who have been receiving benefits when they, apparently, were not entitled, and will have to pay whatever they have received back to the state.
The initial misunderstanding seems to have come from confusion regarding vacation pay and sick pay. The state differentiates between the two, and Netshops does not, so Workforce was unsure how to pay out benefits. Then, with the severance, the former employees were asked if they received anything, but Netshops was to provide the amount, and this wasn't done in a timely manner, according to workforce.
Workforce stated that they contacted Netshops numerous times in an attempt to clarify, but Netshops did not get back in a reasonable amount of time.
I certainly don't think that Netshops was intentionally trying to screw us over, but their slow response time to Workforce's inquiries amounts to the same thing, at least for some of those involved in the last round of layoffs.
Not sure, if you can use this in the blog or not, but my attempts to get any sort of accurate information from Workforce has been slowed by weeks by Netshops lack of timely response.
Is anyone else having this problem? Have any of you out there heard of similar issues with Workforce? Please let us know!! (As always, I won't post your info or your emails unless it's ok with you.)
I, and my roommate, have had the same problem. Workforce couldn't understand the way NetShops worded things regarding vaccation/sick-pay. I got my first unemployment check last week. If I would have known what was going on, I would have been looking for work the same day I got laid off.
As someone "impacted" by NetShops' layoffs, and who has found another position, I would encourage my former co-workers to establish a job-seeking section to this blog.
There was a certain camaraderie at NetShops, and there is no reason why that can't continue for those of us who were laid off. The fact is that life goes on. Let’s help each other go on to bigger and better things. I have made the transition and I now have a better position then when I was part of Doug’s dominion. I’m willing to help out. Also, I know there are others who might not be as forward, but are willing to help if asked. I’m asking you now.
We can help each other with job postings (publicly listed or not), contacts at other companies, networking opportunities. What do you say??
laid_off: I'd like to email you, but your address isn't published anywhere. Some of your blog posts are written in such a way that makes me think that your email is available somewhere, but either I'm reading too much into your words, or I'm blind....
Could you ping me at john "at" trenchmice "dot" com? Tnx.
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