Back to Netshops being banned from Wiki. This isn't news for any of the older employees. That bit of information made the rounds about the office back in late September/early October '06. Apparently they had been banned for spam linking - linking articles to Netshops sites to try and increase their own organic search rankings via external links.
I've been looking for proof of this since I was laid off. Its one thing to hear about it at work through the grapevine - quite another to write about it on a blog about Netshops and their questionable ethics.
Luckily, one of my readers did the legwork for me. Thank you!
A bit of info and then the screen caps. Netshops main IP address is - anyone with a halfway decent hit counter on their web page can figure this info out.
Here are a couple of screen captures of Netshops' activities on Wiki

Wiki Netshops user talk

Netshops Spam
And here is a list of all the changes made by Netshops to various articles on Wikipedia. Notice a pattern?
Unfortunately, the ban was for a 6 month period and Netshops will soon be able to edit posts on Wikipedia again. (Well, from the company IP that is. They've been editing it even over the past 6 months, but it has been from employee's homes or other networks.) I wonder how quickly they'll go back to their old tricks?
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