1279 page views since Monday. That's, what? 4 page views for every employee at Netshops?
Now, I know not all of you reading are Netshops employees. Some Thralow reps have been reading and some CSN folks as well. Thanks for checking in - I appreciate the kind words.
For those Netshops employees who are having trouble accessing the blog, sorry. First of all, you really shouldn't be spending work time reading what I'm saying about the company. Secondly, I'm sure being redirected to the Nebraska Workforce website and/or CareerLink will come in handy for some of you down the road. Technology is an amazing thing. See, I could just direct you to a page that says "you are not authorized to view this page" or something along those lines, but I thought this would be more fun. Now, who's up for some porn? :D Just kidding. I wouldn't do that to you....
On to other topics.
I (and others who have contacted me) have looked into the WARN act I mentioned yesterday. The way it sounds, if you've signed your severance agreement, your ability to file a claim is gone unless there's some way to prove it is Netshops' policy to give severance when employees are laid off. It could be done - based on people impacted by both this lay off and the previous lay offs, but it would probably cost more than it would end up being worth. (**Again, I'm not an attorney and I'm not providing you with legal advice - just relating my experiences and those of some others who have contacted me. Get your legal advice from an attorney who is familiar with your individual situation.**)
I wonder how the WARN act will impact the Thralow reps if they decide to stay in Duluth?
To those of you who have been emailing me with info, thank you - as always, I won't reveal any info unless you give me the ok.
To "D" who posted a comment and then decided to remove it - don't worry, I still have a copy of your comment and I'll post my response to a few points soon. You made some very good arguements and I feel the need to present another point of view. Probably won't have time for that until tomorrow though.
For those still unemployed, the next job fair in Omaha will be taking place 3/27/06 at the Holiday Inn on 72nd street. Maybe I'll see some of you there. Some of you owe me drinks.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
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I agree with Leigh as well, that this is the funniest thing I have ever seen. But for a different reason, it’s pathetic. From my “continuing” experience at NetShops, I have not seen anyone laid off that shouldn’t have been. People I saw laid off spent their days at NetShops complaining, handing out business cards (oops I mean personal pleasure cards), surfing the internet, talking on the company phones about their promiscuous lifestyles, lowering our profits by giving away to much money to customers, going to the shack to have a smoke 30 times a day, and coming into work after long nights of alcohol and drug abuse. One theme that is littered throughout this blog is that NetShops does not pay their employees enough. That is a fat lie; maybe you “laid_off_by_NetShopers” are just not worth what you think you are?
Mean Green,
In regards to professionalism, I find your comments to be very lacking in the spirit of objectivity. Namely, to say that all laid_off_by_NetShoppers were fired (once again, excuse me; laid off) were lacking in performance, let me shed some light on this for you, for which you are decidely in need of. Perhaps you don't remember me: I was the "wood-guy;" the one who butted heads with MANY vendor-specialist, buyers, and product-knowledge people, because I was thouroughly dissatisfied with the proffesionalism of said parties. I felt we could have done better; could have provided our customers with information that was accurate, not just convenient. That said, to say that "all who were laid off, in some way, deserved it," is to say that I also was not a valued employee. I'm sorry, harsh and untrue --maybe you would like to take a look at my sales records. Now, for you to single out one employee, to whom you obviously hold a grudge (I wonder why), and say that all those laid off were guilty of such like conduct --unfounded, and entirely judgemental on your part-- is, in a word, unproffesional. Also, learn to use proper subject/verb agreement in formal writing.
Mean Green - that was a nasty comment and you certainly don't speak for the rest of the company. None of those I worked with every day that were let go "deserved" it. Sure, I can name one or two layoffs outside my dept that didn't surprise me but they certainly didn't make up some kind of majority.
As for the owner of this blog, you clearly seem very intelligent, well-spoken, and I have no doubt you were good at your job. If my original post (which yes, I did revoke, at the advice of a friend so if it's cool with you, I'd be much obliged if you didn't repost it when you reply to it) sounded patronizing, I didn't mean to. I never once said to myself "Thank God it wasn't me!" I was too stunned/horrified/dejected to think anything, really. I wasn't trying to invalidate anyone's feelings on the subject, I was attempting to clarify the facts as they had been told to me. I found it was helpful to a couple of laid off friends who asked me directly "Why me?" The explanation seemed to help them get over the pain. Plus, it bothers me when speculation abounds and insults are hurled back and forth. Then there's my compulsion to speak my mind that sometimes gets me into trouble.
I look forward to your counterpoint and may a new (and hopefully better) job be yours soon.
- D
Mean Green ~
Thank you for agreeing with me but I would rather you didn't. There was absolutely no need for the venom contained in your post. But, allow me to pose a question: You are so familiar with the goings on and whatnot of the other employees...what the hell were YOU doing all day?? Watching them?? I am close with several people that were let go in this recent rash of lay offs and I can tell you that none of them behaved in the ways you have accused them. Maybe you were looking in the mirror when you typed up your post?? I don't know. I don't know who you are. But it doesn't matter. You are loyal to NetShops for the wrong reasons. I, too, was once loyal to NetShops. For those who don't know me, I started off as a temp. Once I was offered a permanent position, it was not long before I was promoted to the Drop Ship Team. My advancement through the company was not typical and NetShops took VERY good care of me. And I, in turn, tried to reciprocate. It wasn't until the first reorg and all the shifts made throughout the company that I became uncomfortable with the direction in which we were headed. The goals became astronomically unreasonable and the concern for our customers seemed to be dwindling. I know it's best to strive for greatness, but Geez Louise. Practicality is still a must.
Now, this is just my opinion but I will tell you if I had to sum up my reason for leaving into one person/thing/event/etc, it wouldn’t be Doug, as I still truly believe he has his employees’ best interests at heart while trying to nurture his growing company. Not getting the best results but, hey, I couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t be my Supervisor; although he did frustrate me at times. That’s what Supervisors do, right?? It would be Ms. Tina Johnson. Never have I met a more immature, incapable, narrow-minded and unprofessional manager. She is the epitome of the phrase "Too big for one's britches." Let me tell you a little story about Ms. Johnson: During the month of November, there was a Sales Contest for one of the Suppliers I worked with. At then end, raffle drawings were done for NetShops Gift Certificates. Now, as the Account Manager, it became my job to create those Gift Certificates. No big deal. It was after 5 p.m. Wednesday 06 December 2006. Ms. Johnson was at my Supervisor's desk which happened to be right next to mine. I asked her a question about the Gift Certificates, wanting to ensure that I was doing it correctly. After a few minutes of flirty banter with Mr. Miller, Ms. Johnson asked me: "Do you get it now or do I need to show you again??" Excuse me?? But, wait. It gets better. I looked over my shoulder at that question and cut my eyes at her the way a rebellious teenager would look at a parent. Was it the best reaction?? No. I'm just trying to be honest about the situation. Now, here's the kicker. After doing that Ms. Johnson leaned over to Mr. Miller and said, "Did you see that heifer cut her eyes at me???" To which Mr. Miller laughed OUT LOUD. So, if ANYONE still employed with NetShops is confused in any way about why 90% of its former employees hate the company, maybe take a closer look at your management. Last time I checked, "Heifer" ain't the best way to raise morale. I quit the next day.
Bottom line, NetShops rode the backs of its hardest workers to get all they could out of us. And, when they did, they shoved everyone, I think, into the positions that needed the most work (i.e. the phones). So, for those of you, especially on the Drop Ship Team, that were "demoted", I know it sucks. I KNOW it does. But, try to take it as a compliment. No one else in that company, apparently, has the brains or the skills to do what you do. Still, I wouldn't count on that adding any job security for you.
Leigh, you are NOT a heifer. You just don't know how to kiss TJ's ass every day like some people. Learn to kiss ass and lie about how wonderful she is, pretend to be her best friend and buy her presents you cannot afford. Oh wait-you don't have to because you are FREE FREE FREE of her reign of terror (aka bitchiness and nasty attitude-not to mention hypocrisy).
Mean Green-you do have some points to be thought about. One supervisor that is now gone reeked of beer, one lead was a total "wake and bake" and one is just totally stupid and girly and does not inspire anything but derision-and was promoted????!!! The only good sups and leads were the ones that left before the layoffs ever happened.
Netshops will only work for those that don't care about customers or co workers. Look around you, are you really happy at Netshops?
"People I saw laid off spent their days at NetShops complaining, handing out business cards (oops I mean personal pleasure cards), surfing the internet, talking on the company phones about their promiscuous lifestyles, lowering our profits by giving away to much money to customers, going to the shack to have a smoke 30 times a day, and coming into work after long nights of alcohol and drug abuse."
Excuse me Mean Green, may I call you Mean? Obviously you chose a name that fits you well, as your post is one of the most vitriolic posts I have seen by someone I *assume* professes themselves to be a 'professional'.
Leaving aside the personal assassination you have done on the character of those laid off, I would like to address one of your statement in particular. You mention one of the reasons some of us may have been laid off was because we gave away to much money to customers there by lowering NetShops profits. Huh?? This statement has me very, very confused. There were only two times we were authorized to 'give away money to a customer'. One was when the customer called in after having received damaged, defective, poorly made items, and we, the customer service representatives, were attempting to get them to KEEP said, damaged, defective or poorly made items that had been purchased in good faith by the customers at full price. The second was when again, a customer who had purchased something in good faith was informed that the item they had purchased was OOS and we were attempting to get them to KEEP their order and not cancel it.
While I am fully aware that NetShops could only reasonably be responsible for items that were housed in their warehouses to be shipped quickly, and could not control the production from various manufacturers, the company still made a 'contract' with the customer. To offer someone a discount to keep their order while the customer service representatives and account managers struggled to get vendors to answer our questions or provide updates does not seem unreasonable to me. Yes, I also understand that NetShops does not offer a "guaranteed delivery date' (except this past year during the Christmas season, and we all know how well THAT idea went. . NOT!) customers still have a possibly unreasonable expectation that goods they order should not take months to get to them. Considering what NetShops actually PAYS wholesale for their items versus what they charge their customers, I do not see where your statement has that much validity.
"One theme that is littered throughout this blog is that NetShops does not pay their employees enough. That is a fat lie; maybe you “laid_off_by_NetShopers” are just not worth what you think you are?"
This is a childish statement not even worth commenting on. You are entitled to your opinion. And Mean? I sincerely hope you don't' find yourself in the next set of layoffs that I am sure will be happening. It could be a rude awaking.
I am confident that I am not a heifer. Even if I were, I would never allow merit to a comment made by someone who is closer in age to being my mother than my peer and posts lucrative photos of herself on MySpace as if ANYONE wants to see them. But thank you :)
Miss Thang, I am intrigued as to who you really are. I think it would be something to have a private conversation with you. I must warn you, however, to tread lightly when you speak of the Supervisors that were let go. It’s one thing to make a general statement. It’s quite another to overlook the fact that neither of the Supervisors let go had ever been on disciplinary action while two Lemmings (Nature’s Retard) and a Yes-Man were left behind to hold down the fort. One is a walking talking fountain of stupid who couldn’t manage her way out of a paper bag. The second, to my knowledge, has NEVER made it to work on time, save for once. He didn’t even make it to work on time the day after the lay offs. I would still bet my bottom dollar that some of the lay offs were purely at Ms Johnson’s malicious whim.
I am certainly not trying to be nasty to you Miss Thang. I'm just very protective of the people I KNOW got and continue to get screwed over by that place. Don't get me wrong, some of the lay offs made sense to me. But, it was a vast minority. Then again, I would rather stick a sharpened pencil in my ear than try to explore the infantile workings of the minds in management and their continuing desire to make it LOOK like everything is ok when it is obvious that they are not. Shuffling numbers and people around to make things appear differently than they actually are is likely not the key to having a successful business, especially not one claiming to strive toward "World Class" status.
What makes you think there was no disciplinary action taken? I am positive that there was for at least one of the individuals that reeked of Busch Lite and marlboros.
Love the lemming comment.
Ms. Thang,
Interesting how you managed to pin the brand of both the beer and the cigarettes. Been down that road yourself, possibly? Or did you drunkenly make out with the party in question?
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